Think Tank: Education showdown!

This week, Arizona teachers voted to walk out of school this coming Thursday.

Teachers and their supporters have been marching on the state Capitol.

We see “Red for Ed” shirts everywhere.

What is it that teachers actually want? This week, we are going to talk firsthand with three of the educators who have been involved in these efforts to learn from them and find out more about why they have been marching and why they voted this week to walk out of school.

– Vico Guerrero is a 20-year veteran teacher and he was one of the teachers who this week had a 90-minute meeting with the Governor to hear his proposal.

– Beth Lewis is a Tempe elementary teacher. She is also the head of “Save Our Schools,” the citizen group that astounded all the political pros by getting a referenda on the ballot to get citizens to vote on the legislature’s expansion of vouchers that they say would come at the expense of public schools by permitting more parents to send their children to private schools with public funding.

– Cindy Harrison, a 30-year educator, is currently a high school guidance counselor in Gilbert. Cindy has four college degrees and also been a counselor in elementary and middle schools. She has also been a Head Start teacher and has taught at the Community College level.


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