Play ball with Jude LaCava

Legendary sportscaster Jude LaCava is our guest this week.

We get him to opine on all things sports. Why do we root for sports teams comprised of millionaire players working for teams owned by billionaire owners? And, when they win, we proclaim “we won!”


Are there new sports stadiums in our future? Will the public tolerate picking up the tab? Can the Arizona Coyotes, in particular, survive in their current location?

And we run down LaCava’s take on the prospects for each of the four major Phoenix sports franchises: the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Arizona Cardinals and the Coyotes.

I’ll readily confess to being a fair-weather sports fan, so this is not just a show for the sports aficionado. What is going on in sports in the Valley and why should we care?


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