Think Tank 2016 political awards and predictions show
Panelists Arizona Republic Columnist Robert Robb, Democratic consultant Rick DeGraw, and Republican consultant Chuck Coughlin join Mike O’Neil in a fast-paced discussion of:
- Arizona political awards: Top story, person of the year, loser of the year, biggest victory, biggest defeat, biggest surprise.
- National political awards: Top story (other than Donald Trump), biggest winner (not Trump), loser, winner (non-person), loser (non- person) and biggest surprise (other than Trump’s election).
- 2017 Arizona predictions: Top story, big winner, big loser, biggest surprise, Republican rising star, Democratic rising star.
- 2017 national political predictions: Biggest winner, biggest loser, biggest surprise.
Mike also gives out special awards for the 2015 prediction of the year and most clever quip of the year complete with appropriately embarrassing audio clips from last year’s show.